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Child Islamic Education Programme: Building Strong Foundations for the Future

Islamic education is an essential aspect of a Muslim’s life. It provides a foundation for spiritual growth, moral development, and community engagement. Unfortunately, many Muslim children in Southwest Nigeria do not have access to quality Islamic education. This can have long-term consequences for their personal and professional development.


The challenges facing Muslim children in Southwest Nigeria are significant. Muslims are a minority in the region, with Christians making up the majority of the population. This can make it challenging for Muslim families to find quality Islamic education for their children. In addition, there is a lack of resources and funding for Islamic schools and institutions.

According to a report by the Pew Research Center, as of 2010, Nigeria had an estimated population of 78 million Muslims and 88 million Christians, making it almost evenly split between the two religions. In Southwest Nigeria, where Muslims are a minority, there are over 30,000 churches and only a few thousand Islamic schools.

Without access to quality Islamic education, Muslim children may struggle to develop a strong sense of identity and a deep understanding of their faith. This can lead to a sense of alienation and disconnection from their community and may impact their ability to practice Islam fully.


In response to these challenges, we are launching a Child Islamic Education Programme to provide quality Islamic education to Muslim children in Southwest Nigeria. Our goal is to raise funds to establish and support Islamic schools and institutions that provide a well-rounded education that combines Islamic studies with modern education.

We will be working with local organizations to identify areas where there is a significant need for Islamic education and support. Our efforts will focus on providing access to quality education, including Quranic studies, Arabic language, and Islamic history and culture. We will also be providing resources and support to ensure that children receive a holistic education that prepares them for success in all areas of life.

Our long-term goal is to build a sustainable Islamic school that can continue to serve the community for years to come. By establishing a strong foundation for the school and providing ongoing support and resources, we aim to create a sustainable institution that can meet the needs of Muslim children in the region for generations. Our goal is not just to provide access to education, but to ensure that it is of high quality and can continue to benefit the community well into the future.

By contributing to this programme, you can help us build strong foundations for the future of Muslim children in Southwest Nigeria. Your generosity will not only provide access to quality Islamic education but will also help to promote greater understanding and respect between Muslims and Christians in the region. Please donate today and help us make a difference in the lives of these children.



Yaseer Foundation

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Donation Total: $100.00